Wednesday, October 15, 2008

To Shoot or Not To Shoot....

This past weekend I went with my friend Chris and some of his friends out near the West Virginia line (Gore, Va) to play with guns. As many of you know, shooting a gun has been on my "To Do" list for quite sometime (Does FERC activities schedule (circa 2005) ring a bell to anyone?). Oh, those were the days.

We met up with some of Chris's friends at the Sheetz off of 66 in Haymarket at 11 AM. Of course, we were on time, actually early -- I hate being tardy when it comes to anything, even if its shooting a gun. However, after about 4 trips to the bathroom, the group ended up arriving--about 1-1.5 hours late. We hit the round around 12:30 or so, with walkie-talkies in hand (or, better said, in car). Chris rented a Chevy Silverado while he was here on vacay and we ended up riding together with his friend, Amer, and his gf (maybe?). She had big boobs and was gansta-chic.

After a quick stop at the local Wal-Mart in Winchester to pick up pumpkins (yes, for shooting) and ammo, we made our way out to Gore. The scenery was quite picturesque and the day was gorgeous and warm. I love Fall in the DC area. All the leaves turn amazing shades of red, orange and yellow. Absolutely fabulous!

Cove Campground is some place in the middle of nowhere (well, in Gore). There are a couple lakes, cabins, places to set up tents and ride ATVs. I would have never guessed there was a shooting range on the property. Upon arriving, we paid some guys $13 per person at this cool, old house with a huge porch around it, hoped back in the car and made our way up the hill. After first getting lost, we finally found the right road up to the shooting range. It definitely was a wild ride and your car needed to have four-wheel drive to get up the hill.

The shooting range was not really much to look at. It was more like a garbage dump than anything -- old computers (with bullet holes), microwaves (with bullet holes), printers, shit and more shit (all with bullet holes). The ground was showered with old bullets too and it smelled like rotten eggs. The scariest thing was that there was no one there to regulate anything. Basically it was a free-for-all and you could shoot whatever you wanted. I guess the rule "Thou shall not shoot thy neighbor" was the only thing in effect. Geez.

The first gun I shot was some 22 caliber gun ( I don't remember its name). It was small, girly and perfect for me--something I could fit in a garter belt around my leg or something. About 3 minutes after shooting that gun, some man came up asking me if I wanted to shoot his M-16 (watch the video). After shooting, he reminded me that I should "vote for gun" in the upcoming election. As many of you know, I am a devout democrat; however, I peacefully nodded in agreement to his remark --hey, he had a huge gun in his hands.

The rest of the day was pleasant. Chris shot his Barret M107 (50 cal, scary gun) a bunch of times and scared the shit out of me every time he did. Overall, it appeared that everyone had a good time.

BTW, my friend Edward is going to take me shooting again sometime in the next couple of weeks. He has a 9 mm and he said he would teach me. Yay.

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